Tips dari TK Racing! Inilah Bagian Motor yang Wajib Diperiksa Sebelum Berangkat Mudik

Jumat 05-04-2024,10:00 WIB
Reporter : Ade Rafiuddin
Editor : Priya Satrio

Ganti Oli wajib dilakukan sebelum melakukan perjalanan jauh antar kota ataupun antar provinsi.

Dengan sudah Service bradsis sudah aman dan bisa langsung berngkat mudik selamat sampai tujuan.

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Itulah tips dari Motorexpertz dari ahlinya sang spartpart TK Racing.


English Version

JAKARTA, MOTOREXPERTZ.COM - Before leaving for homecoming, it is better to check the bradsis vehicle first.

Don't let problems occur with the bradsis vehicle when in the middle of the bradsis homecoming journey.

Trauble on the road is something that not everyone wants.

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When traveling home by motorcycle, there are several parts that are very important to check so that the trip runs smoothly and safely.

By checking all these parts before going home, Sahabat can ensure that the motorbike is in optimal condition for long trips.

Don't forget to do routine maintenance and follow the manufacturer's recommendations to keep your TK Lovers motorcycle in the best condition.

And here are the parts of the motorbike that bradsis must check before going home:

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1. Lights

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