Emang Apa Fungsi Segitiga Kecil TWI di Ban Motor?

Emang Apa Fungsi Segitiga Kecil TWI di Ban Motor?

Tau Kah Apa Fungsi Segitiga Kecil TWI Di Ban Motor? Simak Penjelasan Berikut!---Istimewa

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Pemeriksaan segitiga TWI juga bisa dilakukan saat memeriksa tekanan angin ban.

Nah, sekarang sudah tahu kan untuk memastikan kondisi ban sudah aus atau belum. 

Jangan sampai menunggu sampai titik TWI ya. 

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English Version

JAKARTA, MOTOREXPERTZ.COM - Knowing whether or not a motorcycle tire is still feasible can be seen from the outside. 

Not only from the grooves, tire eligibility can also be seen from the small TWI triangle.

What is the TWI triangle? TWI stands for Tread Wear Indicator. 

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This triangle is tiny. 

It is located on the sidewall, near the base of the tire tread.

TWI triangle function

The TWI triangle serves as a sign of the safe limit of use of a tire. 

The safe limit indicates that the tire is worn out if it has touched the triangle mark on the tire wall.

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