Tips dari TK Racing! Inilah Bagian Motor yang Wajib Diperiksa Sebelum Berangkat Mudik

Tips dari TK Racing! Inilah Bagian Motor yang Wajib Diperiksa Sebelum Berangkat Mudik--Istimewa
And here are the parts of the motorbike that bradsis must check before going home:
1. Lights
Make sure the lights are working properly.
Make sure the lights match the standard size.
If the lights are dim or not functioning properly, it would be better if you replace them first to avoid problems on your homecoming trip.
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2. Clutch
Check the state of the bradsis clutch, whether it's a manual clutch or a matic clutch.
This component can overcome the slip on the bradsis vehicle when going home.
Especially if there is an uphill track, if the clutch slips it can be fatal to bradsis.
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3. Brakes
Check the brake device on the motorcycle.
Check both brakes, front and rear, making sure they are secure and functioning properly.
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